Setting The Standard For Customer Support

Will Manuel knows hard work and education brings opportunity. With a full time day job at Ascom Americas and as a night student studying Comptia A+ 1001, Comptia A+ 1002, Comptia A+ Securities, Microsoft Security, AZURE 900, Sequel Server. He’s modeling the value of lifelong learning to his daughter Shaquet .

His drive has helped him worked his way up from lead supervisor in the warehouse in Ascom’s Morrisville, NC headquarters to Return Materials Authorization specialist. In RMA, he handles returns from customers across the full spectrum of Ascom’s mobility product portfolio, from handsets to routers.

Another distinction Will has earned – he holds the record for number of days in the office between 2020 and 2022. “Every day through the pandemic I was here. My role in Ascom is the only role that you have to be in the office every day. I have to physically inspect all the mobility items that come back from customers with the product protection plan.”

He knows what he does makes a difference. “I am an active participant in saving lives behind the scenes, and I love that.” With a distinct aptitude for customer service, Will recognizes that every step in our business to get the right communications workflow technologies to hospital customers matters. “We're in the job of service. When you're in a job of service, you have to have a caring attitude. You have to have a winning attitude.”

Part of his winning attitude comes from Ascom’s culture and environment, supporting Will not just in his professional career, but in his personal life too. “Ascom lets me have that work home balance - to be able to come into work, be comfortable at my job, and have the tools to be able to do my job effectively. But at 5:00, I can change out of my suit and tie, go into Dad mode, go home and spend time with my daughter without the everyday stress of taking the job home with me.”

Will is setting the example for a career that inspires on and off the job – it’s a lesson he hopes his daughter Shaquet will follow in her future aspirations.

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