Driving ROI: The Business Case for an Early Warning Scoring / Predictive Analytics Solution White Paper

July 14, 2021

The goal of this white paper is to highlight examples of operational and business benefits that can be realized with an early warning scoring (EWS) / predictive analytics solution. Hobson & Company, a research firm focused on Return on Investment (ROI) studies, conducted in-depth, one-hour interviews with existing Ascom customers, testing and confirming the sources of value generated by an Ascom solution, and collecting data points to quantify the impact post-Ascom implementation.

Read about what Ascom customers identified benefits of moving to an early warning scoring  and predictive analytics solution in the areas of streamlining processes, improving quality of care and safety, and enhancing patient experience and how these challenges were addressed and delivered measurable results and a strong return on investment.

Download the Driving ROI: The Business Case for an Early Warning Scoring / Predictive Analytics Solution White Paper
