Humber River Hospital recently invested in a predictive analytics Command Centre. It presents real-time data on screens at the front of the room, called tiles, and alerts the staff if too many patients are waiting for care in the ED, if there are delays in diagnostic tests for patients on the floors, and if patients are waiting to be discharged.
ORLANDO, FL -- ( Canadian Healthcare Technology Magazine ) -- It drives PeterBak nuts when hospitals tout their HIMSS Analytics EMRAM scores and make reaching Stage 6 or 7 the object of their IT strategies. Not that he’s against the EMRAM program. It’s just that he believes there’s more to healthcare IT than dreamt of in the HIMSS Analytics philosophy. “EMRAM doesn’t cover what’s going on, above and beyond the patient charts,” he said. “It’s limited.” Bak, CIO with Humber River Hospital in Toronto, gave an interview to Canadian Healthcare Technology while at the 2019 HIMSS conference.