Fire safety and nurse calls in one software platform at Adullam

Ascom combines personal safety, emergency response alerts, and nurse calls in a single device for caregivers. Ascom’s software, systems, and devices provide the healthcare provider Adullam with a comprehensive solution that improves safety within the organization, and is ready for the future.

Adullam provides care and support for people who need it in living, learning and working. Communication is crucial in order to provide these individuals with the best and most appropriate support.

Residents can call staff via the service button in their room, but sensors are also used for less independent residents. For instance, a sensor that registers sound will issue an alarm if the sound exceeds a certain level (e.g. residents calling for help), or a sensor will issue an alert when the room door is opened. All these notifications are received via the responsible caregiver’s mobile device. The same device is also used by employees to receive emergency calls, open doors, and ensure personal security. In unsafe situations, they can use a panic button to call for help from colleagues and share their current location. 

An end-to-end solution

Fire alarms and other alarms, such as those from medical devices usually require different devices than care calls. However, Ascom's solution is unique as it integrates multiple alarms all in one device.

For many healthcare organizations, silent evacuation is an important feature, as there are often people who are not self-reliant. However, to enable integrated silent evacuation in combination with a nurse call system, the entire system must meet the requirements of the Dutch NEN2575 standard. Standard nurse call systems do not meet these requirements. This is why many organizations use stand-alone systems and separate devices for silent evacuation.

Gaston van Kraaij, Project Manager Safety & Security at Ascom, says: "We are one of the few suppliers that combines a silent alarm evacuation system with a nurse call system in one software platform and on one device. In the future, I expect more and more customers to opt for this type of integrated solution, especially when it comes to care and safety communication for new buildings."

Combining care and safety in one system means our employees only need to carry one device in their pockets, and we only use one software platform, making things clearer and more efficient.
Wilrie Multem
ICT Coordinator at Adullam

Integrate multiple alarms in one device

Wilrie Multem, ICT coordinator at Adullam, states: "The combination of care and safety in one system is a key reason why we chose Ascom. Combining care and safety in one system means our employees only need to carry one device in their pockets, and we only use one software platform, making things clearer and more efficient. Incidentally, the access and intercom system and video surveillance are also integrated into this platform. With Ascom, we have acquired a total solution in-house, with only one supplier with full responsibility as the point of contact. This ensures a smooth and pleasant collaboration."

Arjen van den Brink, Housing Coordinator at Adullam, adds: "I also like the fact that Ascom solutions can be connected to third-party systems. This gives us the freedom to choose the solution that best suits the client. We have clients who bring their own equipment, such as for epilepsy detection. We can easily connect these types of systems to Ascom’s nurse call system so that the alarms from this system are also sent to the employee’s device, just like the other alarms."

About Adullam

Adullam provides care and support for people who need it in living, learning and working. The organization offers home care, daycare, and outpatient support, among other services. Adullam has facilities at ten different locations throughout the Netherlands.

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