The Annual General Meeting of Ascom Holding AG voted in favor of all proposals of the Board of Directors by a large majority.
18'446'374 votes or 51.2% of the share capital were represented at the Annual General Meeting of Ascom Holding AG, which was held on 15 April 2015 in Zug.
The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to pay out an increased dividend of CHF 0.45 per share for the fiscal year 2014.
The five present members of the Board of Directors Juhani Anttila, Dr J.T. Bergqvist, Dr Harald Deutsch, Christina Stercken und Andreas Umbach as well as the newly proposed Urs Leinhäuser were elected as members of the Board by a majority of about 98% of the votes for a term of office of one year. In addition, the Annual General Meeting confirmed Juhani Anttila as Chairman of the Board.
The General Meeting approved with a distinct majority of about 98% of the votes the revision of the Articles of Association in the course of the implementation of the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation with respect to stock exchange listed companies (OaEC). The shareholders approved also the amounts for future compensation for the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
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