Download the white paper – What does the hospital of the future look like?

Together with the National Health Executive, we’ve created a white paper, looking at the future of acute healthcare.

May 6, 2022

Preventative healthcare, wearable technology and proactive remote monitoring are the visions of the future when we discuss virtual and digitally enabled hospitals.

We are heading towards a future of smart hospitals, where intelligent communications technology can bring together critical hospital information systems seamlessly and ensures that patient care can be delivered to the highest standard regardless of where and when the patient requires intervention. That could be remotely monitoring a cardiac patient through a wearable monitor, or it could be reducing paper-based administrative tasks from a clinician’s workflow when caring for a hospital-based patient.

Some of the technology involved may sound like wishful visions of the future, but it is here and deliverable within the NHS. For example, in September 2020, the governmental Welsh health IT provider Digital Health and Care Wales – formerly the NHS Wales Informatics Service – formally signed a partnership with us to do just that. Through their work with us, the Welsh health IT provider was able to leverage external IT, communications and mobile workflow expertise and will deliver a bespoke version of its solution, Digistat, to all 14 adult intensive care units in Wales.

To access the white paper, click here.

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